Results of Annual Fundraiser 2018
Dear Friends of the Foundation,
The Foundation hosted its Annual Fund Raiser on October 20, 2018. As in the recent past, the event was held at the Red Frog Beach Resort’s beautiful “Welcome Center” on Isla Bastimentos, Bocas del Toro. The event was open to all owners, guests and visitors to the Red Frog Beach Resort. Attendees enjoyed Panamanian cuisine, rum punch and beer while listening to music and watching a video featuring highlights of the Foundation’s recent accomplishments. Registered attendees also participated in a “live” and “silent” auction of valuable gifts and free stays at local hotels and resorts including a week-long vacation at beautiful Rancho Santana in Nicaragua.
The auction was masterfully conducted by JB Seligman, a partner at Buena Vista Realty in Bocas Town. Receipts from the auction, and our “50/50” raffles totaled approximately $8,000.00. Combined with the sale of tee-shirts, beer cozies and tote bags, the Foundation raised a total of approximately $11,000.00. Many thanks to everyone who attended and participated in this very important annual event and to the many businesses and individuals who contributed items for our auction. A special thanks to the management of the Red Frog Beach Resort and of Elite Alliance Hospitality. Both companies continue to provide important support to the Foundation.
At this year’s event the Foundation was pleased to welcome a number of local community and business leaders, as well as representatives of other charitable organizations with whom we have developed important partnerships over the past few years. By developing collegial relationships and partnering with like-minded charitable organizations, notably The Darklands Foundation, Give and Surf and the Meals and More Program, the Foundation has been able to expand its impact in tangible and meaningful ways. In the few weeks since our October fund raiser, the Foundation has:
Provided $5,840.00 in funds to support of Give and Surf’s various after school programs; the Old Bank Summer Camp Program as well as scholarship funding for four high school and two university students from Isla Bastimentos.
Provided $2,600.00 in funds to support the Darklands Foundation’s on-going well water pump initiative as well as its educational seminars geared to the preservation of indigenous communities. Significantly, the Foundation provided a large number of condoms, critical to their recent seminar regarding HIV prevention.
Provided $1,300.00 in funds to support the Meals and More Program’s food program geared to needy school children and an additional amount of $400.00 for the purchase of a portable air conditioner sorely needed for their home economics and food preparation classroom.
Provided $500.00 in funds to support of Casa de Asilo’s personal hygiene needs and emergency food assistance. This assistance will be institutionalized to ensure such supplies are provided on a monthly basis. To keep up with the needs of Casa de Asilo, please visit the Facebook page, “Friends of Casa de Asilo.”
As 2018 nears its close, the Foundation has begun working with one of its “legacy” donors and a frequent volunteer to provide new sewing machines for the Bocas school’s home economic classes. The schools’ current sewing machines are old and inoperable, requiring constant repair with parts that are difficult to obtain. Teaching sewing skills to students, particularly to young girls, provides them with a reliable and important life-skill critical to the Foundation’s mission to “promote self-help.” Your cause-specific donation of $200.00, will allow the Foundation to purchase a sewing machine for the Bocas schools.
To make a donation for the Foundation’s Sewing Machine Initiative, or to make a donation in general support of the Foundation’s on-going projects and programs, please use the green “Please Donate” button on our website at: Please remember that your donation may be tax-deductible. Alternatively, you may send a check to our Treasurer, Mrs. Arlene Runkel at her address provided on our website. Remember, don’t forget to “friend” us on Facebook and to visit our website for news of our current and proposed projects and programs.
On behalf of the entire Board of Trustees and its volunteers,
Bob Tiedeman
The Foundation at Red Frog, Panama